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"Our mission is to help people become dynamic and fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ."

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Ladies Fellowship     

Ladies Fellowship @ "The River" specializes in providing women with opportunities for Christian fellowship and events, which they can introduce their friends to the church.


Ways to connect:


Ladies Night Out –

Our ladies need a time to get a way from the pressures of daily life and ladies night out accomplishes just that.  Once every other month the women meet either in our fellowship hall or at a local restaurant and enjoy each others company.  Past gatherings involved spa and pajama parties, mother-daughter banquet and other special themed events.  A time for devotions is always appropriate during ladies night out.


Secret Sister 

This connection point involves many of the ladies in the church regardless of age.  Ladies complete an informational form providing details about hobbies and favorites.  Then each secretly draws a name and provides encouragement cards and gifts for those special dates in their lives for one year.  During the month of December the secret sisters are revealed. 


Annual Shopping Trip –  

In the fall women of the church gather, almost instinctively, to the parking lot at The River to make their way to a shopping destination.  This time has proven to be one of great fun and guaranteed to provide a new friend. 


Bridal & Baby Showers –

The River hardly has a month go by where there is not a wedding or baby shower.  The Ladies Fellowship hosts these showers for our church family.  It is a wonderful thing to be involved in these very special times of the lives of our church family.