Lay Institute For Equipping University
Our mission at Elk River Nazarene Church is to help people to become dynamic and fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. L.I.F.E. U is not a substitute for Sunday School Small Groups and is meant to support the mission of The River. The U is designed to help each of us grow strong spiritually. Each session will act as a catalyst for moving you to the next level of your Christian walk.
Our CORE of L.I.F.E. U is Christian Character Development, which covers four distinct levels of growth and includes sessions on Bible Theology Evangelism Spiritual Growth Nazarene Ministry.
Levels are: 100 Development New Christians or New To ERNC 200 Growth Next steps in your walk 300 Deeper For those desiring to find more 400 Leadership Not just for those who lead groups but for those who want to get involved in coordinating connection opportunities.
Current sessions will be posted at out Welcome Center located in the foyer of our sanctuary. Full L.I.F.E. U catalogues are also available for your review. Join us as we grow together in the Lord!