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"Let the little children come to me, and not hinder them, for the

kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14

Susan Ledsome

Children's Ministry Director


Sunday Bible Discovery

We meet every Sunday Morning at 9:45 a.m. by age group.  Teachers share age appropriate Bible lessons which allow out children to see the miracles of God.


Sunday Morning Worship

After Sunday Morning Bible Discovery our boys and girls gather at 10:45 a.m. for a special time of age appropriate worship.  It is during this time together that our children learn that “Making A Difference” is what we are all challenged to do.


Sunday Morning Worship Opportunities:

        Tiny Tykes – Ages 2 to 42 months

Celebration Station – Ages 3 ½ to Kindergarten - Both Tiny Tykes and Celebration Station provide an all encompassing learning experience.  Bible lessons, games and a craft all help enforce the teaching of God’s Word.


Big City Studio 1st – 5th Grade - This group takes worship to a new level for our children.  On the first, second, third, and fifth Sunday morning of each month we provide a high energy program complete with members of our drama team performing relevant skits, group participation, games, songs, and especially Bible verses and truths for our children to live by. There is also a special mission lesson included on the second Sunday of each month. The fourth Sunday of each month the children worship with their families in the sanctuary. On this Sunday they are provided with a worship packet to help with any wiggles that may occur.


Sunday Evening Opportunities 6:00 p.m.

Nursery Care – Newborn thru 23 months. – This ministry is offered for each service including Wednesday Night.  To help our parents feel comfortable with bringing their children we offer two rooms for their use.  Shinning Stars is our staffed nursery allowing parents to attend their Bible Discovery classes and Worship service with no worries.  To help our parents feel more in touch with their children, we offer a pager system in case you are needed.  We also provide a room where you can be with your child and still see and hear the service.  We believe these rooms offer the best of both worlds.


Wee Praise – Age 2 & 3 year olds – This class learns rhythms, songs and Bible concepts.  They “perform” in the sanctuary several times throughout the year.


Joybells – Age 4 & 5 year olds – Each Sunday evening these children meet to practice their music.  Special presentations occur throughout the year during our worship times on Sunday Mornings.


J.U.M.P. – Grades 1st – 5th – Jesus Uplifted with Musical Praise.  The children are given the opportunity to sing and act in musicals or for special presentations throughout the year.  The group presents two musicals per year – one at Christmas and the other in May.