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Our Mission

"Our mission is to help people become dynamic and fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ."

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Nazarene Missions

              @ "The River"

Missions InternationalQuick Facts

Mission Prayer Line

Compassionate Ministries



To mobilize the church in mission through prayer, education, giving, and interactive experiences.



To encourage people to pray for all efforts of world evangelization.  To inform people of the world's needs and what the church is doing to meet those needs. To challenge children and youth to learn about and participate in the mission of the church.


Special Recognition


L.I.N.K.S. Missionaries


Click Here For information concerning the Sylvester's including important family dates and information. Cards sent to Mexico should be mailed 1 - 2 weeks before a holiday or birthday.





Click here for information

concerning Marylou including

 important dates.